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library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; library synopsys; --new library use synopsys.attributes.all; entity motorctrl is port (clk:in std_logic; reset:in std_logic; speed_now:in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); target_speed:in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); th_speed:in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pwmeut std_logic ); end; --define the signal_structure and flow of the device architecture motorctrl_arch of motorctrl is --define the signal_structure and flow of the device signal cnt125:integer range 0 to 124; signal cnt375:integer range 0 to 374; signal cnt500:integer range 0 to 499; signal dth:std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pwm:std_logic; --user defined encoded state machine:phase type phase_type is(phb1,phb2); attribute enum_encoding of phase_type:type is "0"& --phb1 "1"; --phb2 signal phase:phase_type; --user define encoded state machine:speeding type speeding_type is(upa,upb,dn,final); attribute enum_encoding of speeding_type:type is "00"& --upa "01"& --upb "10"& --dn "11"; --final signal speeding:speeding_type; begin --concurrent signal assignments --motorcontrol peed_machine:process(reset,clk) begin if reset='1' then speeding<=upa; dth<="00000000"; elsif(clk'event and clk='1')then dth<=target_speed - th_speed; case speeding is when upa=> if(speed_now=target_speed)then speeding<=final; elsif(speed_now>target_speed)then speeding<=dn; elsif(speed_nowdth)then speeding<=upb; end if; when upb=> if(speed_now=target_speed)then speeding<=final; elsif(speed_nowdth)and(speed_nowtarget_speed)then speeding<=dn; end if; when dn=> if(speed_now=target_speed)then speeding<=final; elsif(speed_nowdth)and(speed_nowtarget_speed)then speeding<=dn; end if; when final=> if(speed_now=target_speed)then speeding<=final; elsif(speed_nowdth)and(speed_nowtarget_speed)then speeding<=dn; end if; when others=>null; end case; end if; end process; phase_machine:process(reset,clk) begin if reset='1' then cnt500<=0; cnt375<=0; cnt125<=0; pwm<='0'; pwme<='0'; phase<=phb1; elsif(clk'event and clk='1')then pwme<=pwm; case phase is when phb1=> case speeding is when upa=>cnt375<=374;cnt125<=124; cnt500<=499;pwm<='1'; when upb=>cnt500<=499;cnt375<=cnt375-1; cnt125<=124;pwm<='1'; when dn=>cnt500<=499;cnt375<=cnt375-1; cnt125<=124;pwm<='0'; when final=>cnt500<=cnt500-1;cnt375<=374; cnt125<=124;pwm<='1'; when others=>null; end case; if(cnt375=0 or cnt500=0)then cnt500<=499; cnt375<=374; phase<=phb2; end if; when phb2=> case speeding is when upa=>cnt375<=374;cnt125<=124; cnt500<=499;pwm<='1'; when upb=>cnt500<=499;cnt375<=374; cnt125<=125-1;pwm<='0'; when dn=>cnt500<=499;cnt375<=374; cnt125<=125-1;pwm<='1'; when final=>cnt500<=cnt500-1;cnt375<=374; cnt125<=124;pwm<='0'; when others=>null; end case; if(cnt125=0 or cnt500=0)then cnt500<=499; cnt125<=124; phase<=phb1; end if; when others=>null; end case; end if; end process; 出现错误: Error:line 5:can not open VHDL"synopsys" Error:line 149:VHDL syntax error:unexpected end-of-file -try using the Text Editor's Syntax Coloring command to find the missing delimiter or keword