Error! : Failed memory access in component my_cpu - Unable to read data from mis
aligned memory address 0xb
Error! : Simulation failed in component my_cpu at instruction 4427 (PC=0x800988
我在builder中把定义的是显示pio为lcd_pio,我现在使用了例子中的那个计数程序,他里面是用lcd_display的,我就把它改了,调试的时候出现上面的错误。作者: undead_fish 时间: 2005-5-23 20:55
又出现问题了 哪位高手帮帮我
Warning : SOPC Builder system component button_pio is not supported by the simul
ator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component lcd_display is not supported by the simu
lator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component led_pio is not supported by the simulato
r. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component seven_seg_pio is not supported by the si
mulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component reconfig_request_pio is not supported by
the simulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access
Listening on port 2334 for connection from GDB:
Error! : Simulation failed in component my_cpu at instruction 5326 (PC=0x805f30
不知道错误是不是由warning引起的?作者: yancharles 时间: 2005-5-23 21:21