良好的界面分組.Clamping diode test; Testjet test;Socket test ; MDA test ;
and on power interface給測試工程師一個良好的與機器溝通的界面;相對來說對於工程師而言有一個良好的操作界面對於自已對程式的Debug是非常重要的.
HP3070轉成PC Windows O/S 僅僅是改為Windows操作系統,仍少不了繁鎖的命令
Key in, 何時3070才能有8001的操作界面???. 期待中..............作者: tuhui835 时间: 2005-7-10 12:54
Now angilent have a new type of ICT tester, it is very easy for debug. TR8001 have some modual for test example socket test... , But it is only for Intel, if have any other new technology, TRI will need modify the test OS again. Some tool is fussy, but it will give engineer more application.