摘要:本文针对户用光伏发电系统的特点和要求进行了系统的研究与设计。将独立逆变与并网逆变相结合,使系统既可以工作在独立逆变状态, 将储存在蓄电池组中的能量直接逆变为正弦交流电为负载供电, 也可以工作在并网逆变状态, 将太阳能量直接回馈到电网或者将储存在蓄电池中的多余能量回馈到电网。系统采用32位DSP芯片TMS320F2812构成控制核心,利用单片机PIC16F877A构成系统的人机界面。设计的系统具有完善的保护功能、键盘通讯和液晶显示功能, 为家庭使用提供了方便。实验结果验证了方案的可行性。 叙词:光伏发电 独立逆变 并网逆变 人机界面 Abstract:This paper provides system research on and design of photovoltaic power generation system. It combines independent inverter and grid-connected inverter, so that the system can function under independent inverter condition, which inverts directly power in the battery into sinusoidal AC power to load power, and it also can function under grid-connected condition, which can turn solar power into the grid or turn surplus power in battery to the grid. The system adopts 32 digits DSP chip TMS320F2812 as its control center, and applies SCM PIC16F877A as its human-machine interface. The system has complete protection function, keyboard communications and LCD, which makes it convenient for household use. Lab experiments prove the feasibility of the scheme. Keyword:Photovoltaic Power Generation, Independent Inverter, Grid-connected Inverter, Human-machine Interface 1 引言
随着环境污染、生态破坏及资源枯竭的日趋严重,近年来世界各国竞相实施可持续发展的能源政策,其中利用太阳能电池发电最受瞩目。由于太阳能电池发电具有安全可靠,无污染、无需消耗燃料、无机械转动部件,故障率低,维护方便等独特优点,尤其是可与建筑物相结合,构成光伏屋顶发电系统,因此受到各国高度重视和加强[5]。而随着应用的普及,家用光伏发电装置相应的也将会越来越多,家用光伏发电装置既要满足用户的需求,又要有可靠性和安全性。基于此,本文针对独立与并网的双重功能进行了研究与设计,实验结果证明了设计方案的可行性。 2 系统结构