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标题: ~[动画]~大家对PWM调速这么感兴趣,发个仿真图供大家下载。。 [打印本页]

作者: zcllom    时间: 2006-3-22 19:34     标题: ~[动画]~大家对PWM调速这么感兴趣,发个仿真图供大家下载。。


[此贴子已经被zcllom于2006-3-22 19:34:18编辑过]

作者: zcllom    时间: 2006-3-22 20:01

;HC11 PWM Motor Control Example
;Demonstrates ADC and Timer Output Capture functions

PORTA   equ $1000
PORTC   equ $1003
PORTB   equ $1004
DDRC    equ $1007
TOC1    equ $1016
TOC2    equ $1018
TCTL1   equ $1020
TCTL2   equ $1021
TMSK1   equ $1022
TFLG1   equ $1023
TMSK2   equ $1024
PACTL   equ $1026
ADCTL   equ $1030
ADR1    equ $1031
ADR2    equ $1032

org      $F000

start:   lds   #$FF

         ldaa  #$FF      ort C is output
         staa  DDRC

         ldaa  #$80      ;Enable OC1 interrupts.
         staa  TMSK1     ;

         ldaa  #$2       ;Set the prescaler (divide by 16)
         staa  TMSK2

         ldaa  #$80      ;Enable PA7 as output
         staa  PACTL

         ldaa  #$10      ;Start first ADC conversion - multi mode enable
         staa  ADCTL

         ldd   #$0100     ;Load the capture register
         std   TOC1

         cli              ;Enable interupts

loop:    wai
         bra   loop

;OC1 interrupt service
oc1f:    ldaa  #$10       ;Start another ADC conversion
         staa  ADCTL

         ldaa  ADR1       ;Read the pot position from ADC channel 1
         staa  PORTB      ;Display it

         suba  #127       ;0x7F is zero reference.

         bne   oc1f_ne    ;Jump if values not same

;Set Both outputs low. Motor is stationary
         stab  PORTA      ;Both OC1 and OC2 outputs low
         stab  TCTL1      ;TOC2 mode is disabled
         bra   done

;Non-zero drive - decide if +ve or -ve:

oc1f_ne  bcs oc1f_cs

ositive result - motor spins clockwise:

         ldab   #$40       ort A drives this value:
         stab   ORTA
         clrb              ;Release TOC2 latch - Port A acquires value, above.
         stab   TCTL1
         ldab   #$40       ;TOC 2 output toggles on OC2 event; motor drive stops.
         stab   TCTL1
         bra    done

;Negative result - motor spins anti-clockwise:

        oc1f_cs ldab   #$80    ort A drives this value:
        stab           ORTA
        clrb                   ;Release TOC2 latch - Port A acquires value, above.
        stab           TCTL1
        ldab           #$40   ;TOC 2 output toggles on OC2 event; motor drive stops.
        stab           TCTL1
        nega                  ;Invert result -> 0xFF -> 0x01 etc.

;Now set up TOC2 to trigger at a time forward of TOC1. This means

;that themotor will be powered for the number of ticks in ACCA * 256. 

done:   tab                   ;TOC 2 is set to trigger after this no of cycles.
        addd            TOC1
        std             TOC2

        ldd             #$1000
        addd            TOC1
        std             TOC1

        ldaa            #$80   ;Clear the TOC 1 interrupt
        staa            TFLG1

;Interrupt Vectors

org     $FFE8
        dw              oc1f

org     $FFFE
        dw              start

[此贴子已经被zcllom于2006-3-22 20:01:53编辑过]

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