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标题: 赛灵思PicoBlaze软核介绍 [打印本页]

作者: pengpengpang    时间: 2014-3-12 12:26     标题: 赛灵思PicoBlaze软核介绍

PicoBlaze是由Xilinx公司的Ken Chapman设计并维护的一款8bit的微控制器软核,可以嵌入到Cool Runner II、 Virtex-E,Virtex-II(Pro) 和 Spartan3(E)的CPLD以及FPGA中。 首先说一下PicoBlaze这个名字。我们知道:Xilinx主推的32-bit RISC嵌入式软核叫MicroBlaze,非官方有时也可写成uBlaze,用来表示该软核非常之小。Xilinx推出比它更小的软核就是PicoBlaze了。学过电路的人都知道,电容单位里有个量级叫皮法。
在Spartan3E Starter Kit板上以50MHz的时钟为例,PicoBlaze也能达到25MIPS的性能,对于要求不是太高的应用场合。PicoBlaze是一个不错的选择。而且在某索爱手机游戏些特殊的应用场合下。
尽管PicoBlaze的定义是Microcontroller(ug129就是这样写的),但是根据Ken Chapman在PicoBlaze的参考设计里提到的,PicoBlaze实际上是常数码可编程的状态机(KCPSM, short for Konstant Code Programmable State Machine)。巧合的是,我们也可将其称之为Ken Chapman's Programmable State Machine, 以示纪念,呵呵!从它参考设计中附带的PSM代码中可以看到,针对PicoBlaze编写的代码大部分都是由Constant,各个函数段间的跳转以及中断服务例程(ISR, Interrupt Service Routine)构成的。这些代码的执行都是顺序的,尽管这似乎与FPGA能有效执行操作的特点不同。
在Xilinx的官方论坛上,Ken Chapman列具了如下可以采用PicoBlaze的应用场景:
LED flasher (已有参考设计)
PWM control and even generation (KHz PRF for motors and brightness control) (已有参考设计)
Switch monitor.
UART interface and simple command/status terminal (已有参考设计)
LCD character module display interface and control (已有参考设计)
SPI master (i.e. FLASH controller for Spartan-3AN).
I2C master.
Calculator (XUP-San Jose State University)
Audio DSP processor (typically up to 48KHz sample rate and may utilise a hardware multiplier as a peripheral)
DTMF tone telephone dialer including sine wave generation (8KHz sample rate)
System monitoring (e.g. temperature monitor and fan control).
Motor control
Rotary encoder interface (Spartan3E Build-in Demo)
Calculator for frequency synthesizer.
Calculator for filter coefficient generation.
Emulation of a different micro controller (可用来模拟8051,By Roman-Jones,Inc)
PID control.
Mouse/Keyboard interface.
Keypad scanner
Power supply monitoring and control.
Servo control.
Built-in test equipment (on-chip monitor).
Configuration management (ICAP port)
Design Authentication Processor (已有参考设计)
Implementing peripherals for MicroBlaze or PPC.
Interrupt controller for MicroBlaze or PPC.
在美国纽约的时代广场的JP Morgan Chase大楼,有一块硕大的LED广告屏。这块广告屏在当时(2004年)是世界上最大的高亮解析度的LED显示屏,而驱动这块显示屏的,正是PicoBlaze,整个设计中用到了10块XC2V1000 Virtex-II, 323块XC3S200 Spartan-3, 以及333块XCF00 Platform Flash PROM和3800块XC9572XL72 PLD宏单元。使用到的PicoBlaze的数量更是超过了1000个。
"The favorite toy in our Xilinx bag-of-tricks is the PicoBlaze processor. We could not have completed the project in the time allowed without extensive use of the PicoBlaze processor. The sign contains an impressive count of more than 1,000 of these embedded processors, with nine different designs.PicoBlaze processors provide efficient logic resource utilization by time-multiplexing logic circuits. The PicoBlaze processor also provides a quick and easy way to develop control functions. The alternative would be to build a custom state machine for each function. The PicoBlaze processor is a programmable state machine, meaning that the state machine is already built; one just has to program it."
Jason Daughenbaugh, Sr Design Engineer, Advanced Electronic Designs (AED)
Application: Large LED display for JP Morgan in Times Square, NY

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