惯了追新,所以五一假期一回来看到赛灵思技术社区的新闻和赛灵思发来的下载链接,就迫不及待地登录赛灵思网站,找到了下载链接,然后使用download manager开始下载;4个链接的速度保持在150KB左右,早上来的时候点了下载,中午没关机,午睡回来已经好了,纯windows版本的有2.8G多;因为modelsim、synplify等软件的原因,暂时没有下Linux版本的。然后是安装;为了不冲突,先卸载了11.5的版本,然后点击xsetup.exe,整个界面和11.1的安装没有太大区别,但是刚一开始就不停地提示错误,非常郁闷,最后统计了一下,基本上得有30多个,基本都是"Failed to create link xxx.lnk to xxx.xxx",全部是创建快捷方式的问题。仔细分析了一下,我确认是路径中字符的问题:比如“C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\「开始」菜单”和“C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\桌面”,因为程序的快捷方式一般都放在这些地方;显然又是Java这玩意在捣鬼。不甘心又重装了两遍,还尝试把“「开始」菜单”、 “桌面”这样的名字改成英语的,但是ISE的安装程序还是不认;没有办法只好到赛灵思网站上找答案了;功夫不负有心人,竟然有解决方案: http://china.xilinx.com/support/answers/35331.htm
ISE Design Suite 12 - Shortcuts and desktop icons are not created when language is set to anything other than English or Japanese
问答编号# 35331
专题 Install
最后更新日期 2010-04-30 10:04:20.0
记录状态 Active
器件 -
设计工具 ISE Design Suite - 12.1
IP -
开发板与电缆 -
My language localization is set to a language other than English or Japanese. After installation, my desktop icons and shortcuts were not created, and the following error occurs:
"Failed to create link xxx.lnk to xxx.xxx"
How can I create the shortcuts and desktop icons?
Localization settings of English and Japanese are the only supported languages. Any other language setting is not supported and can cause issues with other Xilinx ISE Design Suite tools.
To install the shortcuts and desktop icons, download the following patch and place it into your installed Xilinx directory. Xilinx recommends that you backup your "libwiclient.dll" file prior to dropping the new patch file so that you can revert back if needed. After applying the patch, run shortcutSetup.bat from the Xilinx ISE Design Suite in the common/bin/nt(64) location.
For the patch, download and unzip the file (see the readme file for more information).
Patch: ftp://ftp.xilinx.com/pub/swhelp/ise12_updates/ar35331.zip
原来新版ISE只支持本地语言为英语和日语的操作系统!下载了上面的补丁,把安装文件中的dll替换之后,再次安装,终于成功了!还有一点与以往版本不同的就是,虽然补丁解决了安装报错和开始菜单快捷方式的问题,但是安装完成之后桌面上只有“Xilinx ISE Design Suite 12.1” 的图标了,虽然使得桌面比以往干净了不少,但是impact这些经常调用的工具不在桌面之后还是稍显麻烦了一点。
然后是编译仿真库,使用“「开始」菜单\程序\Xilinx ISE Design Suite 12.1_1\ISE Design Tools\Tools”下面的“Simulation Library Compilation Wizard”,惊奇地发现编译速度比11.x要快了很多。
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