; MULTIBTN.ASM: sensing upto 15 pushbuttons with one I/O (pin6: GP1/CIN-)
; BENABADJI Noureddine - ORAN - Dec. 11...14th, 2013
Errorlevel -302 ; avoid warning #302: Register in operand not in bank0.
; Ensure that bank bits are correct.
List P = 12F683
#include "p12f683.inc"
#define LED1 GPIO, 0 ; output bit0 of the 4-bit binary LED display
#define LED2 GPIO, 2 ; output bit1 of the 4-bit binary LED display
#define LED3 GPIO, 4 ; output bit2 of the 4-bit binary LED display
#define LED4 GPIO, 5 ; output bit3 of the 4-bit binary LED display