ERROR ".rcp":There is no Visual Linker Recipe in the project
ERROR ".rcp"ouble click the message to create a Visual Linker Recipe.
之后我再rebuild,没有错误,然后load program调出.out文件,但又出现错误--file:c\ti\…….out:load failed.A section of your program falls into a memory region that is not writable.Check your linker configuration and /or memory map.
而北京掌宇的开发环境不是ccs,是c54 code explorer,可刚进去后让选择lpt1或lpt4,lpt1的地址是0x378,lpt4的地址是0x217,由于是并口连接,我认为是选择LPT1,可不论我选择那一个,都出现同一关于DSP Device Driver的提示---can't Initialize Target DSP;can't Access HPI port on the DSK;please ensure the cabling is connected properly,you have selected the correct parallel port,and the DSK is powered on.可我真看不出那里接错了,请指教,多谢!!作者: sunshijing@163. 时间: 2003-11-15 23:40 标题: 只要有正确的思路一切都会好办