Note: Flash configuration registers should not be accessed while an access is in progress in flash or OTPmemory
The flash registers should not beaccessed from code that is running from OTP or flash memory or while an accessmay be in progress. All register accesses to the flash registers should be madefrom code executing outside of flash/OTP memory and an access shouldnot be attempted until all activity on the flash/OTP has completed. Nohardware is included to protect for this.
You can read the flash registers fromcode executing in flash/OTP; however,do not write to the registers.
要配置flash的寄存器,需要把对应的代码拷贝到RAM中运行,这样才能起作用。具体参考spra958c Running an Application fromInternal Flash Memory on the TMS320F281x DSP (Rev. C).pdf