Assume local directory and s3://my-bucket/path currently in sync and each contains 3 files:
// Delete local .txt files
$ rm *.txt
// Sync with delete, excluding files that match a pattern. MyFile88.txt is deleted, while remote MyFile1.txt is not.
$ aws s3 sync . s3://my-bucket/path --delete --exclude 'my-bucket/path/MyFile?.txt'
delete: s3://my-bucket/path/MyFile88.txt
// Delete MyFile2.rtf
$ aws s3 rm s3://my-bucket/path/MyFile2.rtf
// Sync with delete, excluding MyFile2.rtf - local file is NOT deleted
$ aws s3 sync s3://my-bucket/path . --delete --exclude './MyFile2.rtf'
download: s3://my-bucket/path/MyFile1.txt to MyFile1.txt
// Sync with delete, local copy of MyFile2.rtf is deleted
$ aws s3 sync s3://my-bucket/path . --delete
delete: MyFile2.rtf