Agilent3070 training manual
* Control card control’s relay closures and ASRU’s measurement.
ATL --- analog test language
MOA --- measurement operational amplifier
Rx is the device under test on the PC board. A voltage, Vs, is applied through the S (source) bus to one lead of Rx and the other lead is connected to the I (input) bus of the MOA. Rref is a precision feedback resistor. The output voltage of the MOA, Vmoa, is measured by an internal voltmeter.
All the pieces of the measurement (Vs, Rref, the MOA, and the DVM) are located on the ASRU card.
Rx = -(Vs/Vmoa) * Rref
--- Resistive component tests
Relay connections and test commands;
Relay Commands
Disconnect all opens relay connections on all busses.
Connect to “” connects specified bus to specified node on the PC board
Test commands
Component ,<+tol>,<-tol>,