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标题: 请求帮助:flash programmer问题 [打印本页]

作者: ffone13    时间: 2004-9-22 17:43

各位大侠 我是一个新手 现在出现下面问题 如何解决?
make: Entering directory `/cygdrive/f/standardrn/software/blank_project_4/Debug'
nios2-flash-programmer --input=ext_flash.flash --sof=`C:/quartus/sopc_builder/bin/find_sopc_component_dir renew_1s10_board`/system/renew_1s10_board.sof --device=1  --base=0x00800000
Sep 22, 2004 5:02:42 PM - (??) nios2-flash-programmer: Launching Quartus Programmer to download:
Pre-Reading 29KBytes of data from U5:
    ********************* (3.265 sec).
Sep 22, 2004 5:03:15 PM - (??) nios2-flash-programmer: Success.  Zero bytes written to U5-
     (because device matched contents of ext_flash.flash)
Sep 22, 2004 5:03:15 PM - (??) nios2-flash-programmer: Flash programming complete
WARNING: Default charset GBK not supported, using ISO-8859-1 instead
sof2flash --flash=U5 --offset=0x00600000 --output=user.flash --input=\"F:/standardrn/standard_time_limited.sof\"
Info: *******************************************************************
Info: Running Quartus II Convert_programming_file
Info: Command: quartus_cpf --no_banner --convert F:/standardrn/standard_time_limited.sof user.rbf
File F:/standardrn/standard_time_limited.sof contains one or more time-limited megafunctions that support the OpenCore Plus feature that will not work after the hardware evaluation time expires. Refer to the Messages window for evaluation time details.
Info: SRAM Object File F:/standardrn/standard_time_limited.sof contains time-limited megafunction that supports OpenCore Plus feature -- Vendor: 0x6AF7, Product: 0x00A2
SOF Data item missing input file
Info: Quartus II Convert_programming_file was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings
    Info: Processing ended: Wed Sep 22 17:03:17 2004
    Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:00
Sep 22, 2004 5:03:17 PM - (??) sof2flash: Read error: File: user.rbf not found, exiting
Sep 22, 2004 5:03:17 PM - (??) sof2flash: Error retrieving data from user.rbf
WARNING: Default charset GBK not supported, using ISO-8859-1 instead
make: *** [ext_flash_user_configuration] Error 3
make: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/f/standardrn/software/blank_project_4/Debug'
作者: luoxf7    时间: 2004-9-24 10:43     标题: 你的Nios II的license有吗?

这是license的问题,Nios II需要一个license,不然设计不能下载到flash中去。
作者: ffone13    时间: 2004-9-26 16:13

哦 是的! 我已经搞定了。谢谢
作者: iceworld    时间: 2004-9-27 01:02

作者: ffone13    时间: 2004-9-27 09:08

斑竹,我用的是niosII  在flash memory的preset下拉菜单里没有我所用的flash。你说的修改ptf是不是altera_avalon_cfi_flash文件夹的class.ptf文件? 谢谢
作者: ffone13    时间: 2004-9-27 09:44     标题: 请求帮助:flash programmer问题

nios开发板 fpga是:ep1s10f780c6es
按照ug_nios2_flash_programmer.pdf做好一个 Flash Programmer Design:new_1s10_board
在IDE里可以run 程序
但是选flash programmer 下载程序时出现问题:
状态栏运行到Launching hardware Programming flash时候不动了
不知道什么原因?help me !
作者: ffone13    时间: 2004-9-27 09:44

作者: glssg    时间: 2006-7-31 10:46


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