我在做Z-Stack中的Z-Stack-> Home Controls – Lighting-> SLC03394 -> Project
setting up a network with the 5 nodes supplied in this kit, 1 coordinator, 3 routers and 1 end device. The coordinator will be an SLC and the rest of the devices will be configured as an SRC.
Z-Stack User's Guide上说其中1 coordinator, 2routers用DIG528。1 routers and 1 end device用DIG536,因我手头只有DIG536,所以我都用的DIG536,可以吗,有什么影响??
然后把所以的模块都running the sample application code and passed the ExtAddr selection
1, Once the GT60 DIG536 boards are running the sample application code and passed
the ExtAddr selection, the SLC board will turn on LED3.
2, The SRC router boards will turn on LED3 when joining (association) is complete and
3, The SRC end device board will not show an indication that it joined a network.
但文中说的1,3两点貌似矛盾,按1说The SRC end device board will turn on LED3
但按2说The SRC end device board will not show an indication that it joined a network
**我看到的实际情况是end device board turn on LED3 作者: 微毫度十分个扩大飞机公婆 时间: 2007-1-5 21:25
To build a better system understanding of Zigbee, please read the Zigbee Implementer’s Guide:
1.ZigBee Implementers Guide_F8W-2004-0007_.pdf
To understand the available configuration and startup options, please read the Zigbee Device
Object’s Programmer’s Guide:
2.Z-Stack Device Object Programmer's Guide_F8W-2004-0008_.pdf
To develop or change the existing sample applications read the following programmer’s guides
in the ZStack documentation section:
3.Z-Stack SLC03394 Programmer's Guide_F8W-2003-0028_.pdf
4.Z-Stack SRC03391 Programmer's Guide_F8W-2003-0027_.pdf
我的邮箱88zhongguo@163.com 谢谢!!!
1, Once the GT60 DIG536 boards are running the sample application code and passed
the ExtAddr selection, the SLC board will turn on LED3.
2, The SRC router boards will turn on LED3 when joining (association) is complete and
3, The SRC end device board will not show an indication that it joined a network.
我都用的DIG536,发现第3点不符,The SRC end device board 也turn on LED3 ,这个结果正常吗? 作者: 微毫度十分个扩大飞机公婆 时间: 2007-1-8 15:51
To build a better system understanding of Zigbee, please read the Zigbee Implementer’s Guide:
1.ZigBee Implementers Guide_F8W-2004-0007_.pdf
To understand the available configuration and startup options, please read the Zigbee Device
Object’s Programmer’s Guide:
2.Z-Stack Device Object Programmer's Guide_F8W-2004-0008_.pdf
To develop or change the existing sample applications read the following programmer’s guides
in the ZStack documentation section:
3.Z-Stack SLC03394 Programmer's Guide_F8W-2003-0028_.pdf
4.Z-Stack SRC03391 Programmer's Guide_F8W-2003-0027_.pdf