在Compiler for HC12页
Command Line Arguments项宏:
-D__NO_FLOAT__ 表示不支持浮点运算
-Cf 表示Float IEEE32, doubles IEEE64
空 表示float and doubles are IEEE32作者: sideline 时间: 2007-8-6 10:22
Project management window, “lib” folder, you could see one file called “ansisi.lib” or “ansibi.lib”,or "ansili.lib" please remove this lib from your project and import a new lib “ansisf.lib” or “ansibf.lib”or "ansilf.lib" to substitute it.
The method to import is: right click project management window, click “Add files…”, then in the opened select files window, go to {CW install folder}\lib\hc12c\lib to import right lib file.