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Sponsored Product Highlight

Posted Mar 06th 2013



The PCF85063ATL is a CMOS Real-Time Clock (RTC) and calendar optimized for low power consumption. An offset register allows fine-tuning of the clock. All addresses and data are transferred serially via the two-line bidirectional IC-bus. Maximum data rate is 400 kbit/s. The register address is incremented automatically after each written or read data byte.

PCF85063ATL是一个优化的,低功耗CMOS实时时钟(RTC)和日历。其偏移寄存器可以对时钟进行微调。通过两线双向IC总线,所有的地址和数据可以进行串行传输。其最大数据传输速率为400 kbit / s。在每次写入或读取数据字节后,寄存器地址会自动递增……

Features and Benefits

Provides year, month, day, weekday, hours, minutes, and seconds based on a 32.768 kHz quartz crystal

Clock operating voltage: 0.9 V to 5.5 V

Low current; typical 0.27 μA at VDD = 3.0 V and Tamb = 25 ℃

400 kHz two-line IC-bus interface (at VDD = 1.8 V to 5.5 V)

Programmable clock output for peripheral devices (32.768 kHz, 16.384 kHz, 8.192 kHz, 4.096 kHz, 2.048 kHz, 1.024 kHz, and 1 Hz)

Selectable integrated oscillator load capacitors for CL = 7 pF or CL = 12.5 pF

Alarm function

Countdown timer

Minute and half minute interrupt

Internal Power-On Reset (POR)

Programmable offset register for frequency adjustment