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小弟最近在对MPC5554EVB开发板进行uC/OS进行操作系统移植,开发环境用的是CodeWarrior for MPC55xx V2.3,代码应该没有问题,编译也通过了,但是执行“make”的时候老是报错,报错如下:

Link Error:Can't write binary file 'OS.bin'

because gap between bin file offset for segment .bss and .data wasn't updated correstly(too much)

internal linker error:'ELF_gen.c' Line:3922

不晓得 codewarrior哪里设置错了,期待达人解答,万分感谢!


[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-12 10:57:51编辑过]


/* 2M External Flash (unused) */
/* 512K External SRAM (unused) */
ext_flash : org = 0x20000000, len = 0x00200000
ext_ram : org = 0x3ff80000, len = 0x80000

/* Internal Flash RCW */
/* MPC5554 2M Internal Flash, but subtract one 128K block for use by BAM. */
/* MPC5554 64K Internal SRAM */
/* MPC5554 4K of internal cache used for stack. */
flash_rcw : org = 0x00000000, len = 0x8
int_flash : org = 0x00000008, len = 0x001FFFF8
int_sram : org = 0x40000000, len = 0x10000
stack_ram : org = 0x40040000, len = 0x1000


/* ROM data */
.rcw : { *(.rcw) } > flash_rcw

.init : { *(.init) }
.text : {}
.flash_data : {}
.rodata : {
.ctors : {}
.dtors : {}
/* Exception table IVPR register must align on a 16-bit boundary */
/* RAM is from 0x4000_0000 to 0x4000_FFFF; IVPR upper 16-bits */
/* must align to 0x4000_xxxx for internal SRAM */
/* So "ALIGN(0x10000) has been removed from .xcptn for SRAM */
.xcptn ALIGN(0x100) : {}
extabindex : {}
extab : {}
/* align __DATA_ROM to .data start */
__DATA_ROM = (. + 7) & ~7;
} > int_flash

/* SRAM data */
.data LOAD( __DATA_ROM): {}

PROVIDE(__SDATA_ROM =(__DATA_ROM + SIZEOF(.data) + 7) & ~7);
.sdata LOAD( __SDATA_ROM): {}
.sbss : {}

PROVIDE(__SDATA2_ROM = (__SDATA_ROM + SIZEOF(.sdata) + 7) & ~7);
.sdata2 LOAD(__SDATA2_ROM): {}

.sbss2 : {}

.isrvectbl ALIGN(0x800) : {}

.bss : {}
.heap : {}
} > int_sram

/* Stack area */
.stack : {} > stack_ram

/* Stack Address Parameters */
__SP_INIT = ADDR(stack_ram) + SIZEOF(stack_ram);
__SP_END = ADDR(stack_ram);
__STACK_SIZE = SIZEOF(stack_ram);

/* SRAM Address Parameters */
__ROM_COPY_SIZE = (SIZEOF(.data) + SIZEOF(.sdata));
__SRAM_CPY2_START = ADDR(.sdata2);
__ROM_COPY2_SIZE = SIZEOF(.sdata2);

__SRAM_LOAD = ADDR(.heap);
__SRAM_LOAD_SIZE = (SIZEOF(.flash_data)/4);

/* The EABI defines the location of _SDA_BASE_ and _SDA2_BASE_ */
/* cfg_PNTRS places _SDA_BASE_ into R13 and _SDA2_BASE into R2 */
/*_SDA_BASE_ = ADDR(.sdata) + 0x8000 (+0x7FF0 for WindRiver) */
/*_SDA2_BASE_ = ADDR(.sdata2) + 0x8000 (+0x7FF0 for WindRiver) */

/* Interrupt Handler Parameters */
__IV_ADDR = ADDR(.xcptn);


/* FORCEFILES are used so that the linker will not deadstrip */
/* the functions and variables which are not initially used */
/* in the program. Examples included here are parts of the */
/* exception, interrupt routines. */


/* Metrowerks Code Warrior compiler address designations */

_stack_addr = ADDR(stack_ram)+SIZEOF(stack_ram);
_stack_end = ADDR(stack_ram);
_heap_addr = ADDR(.bss)+SIZEOF(.bss);
_heap_end = ADDR(int_sram)+SIZEOF(int_sram);
_init_addr = ADDR(.init);
_init_end = ADDR(.init)+SIZEOF(.init);

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