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textio 测试程序

textio 测试程序

下面这个程序是书上的例子,但编译总出错,说是:“std_logic_textio" must in the library.但要是我去掉第三行, 则后面的read()都不可以访问编译,不知道怎么回事,高人请点拨一下好吗?我弄了2天了,也找不到原因。谢谢了! library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use std.textio.all; use ieee.std_logic_textio.all; use work.cutpkg.all; entity testcunt is end testcunt; architecture test2 of testcunt is file intest:text is in "test.in"; signal clk ,rest:std_logic; signal cnt:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); begin U1:count port map(clk=>clk,rest=>rest,cunt=>cnt); process variable li:line; variable errors:boolean:=false; variable clki,resti:std_logic; variable cunti:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); begin readline (intest,li); read(li,clki); read(li,resti); read(li,cunti); clk<=clki; rest<=resti; wait for 20 ns; if cnt/=cunti then assert false report"Count is wrong value"; errors:=true; end if; if endfile (intest) then assert errors report"test passed." severity note; assert (not errors) report "Test Failed." severity note; wait; end if; end process;