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[求助]How to initial PLIC to 78d11 codec

[求助]How to initial PLIC to 78d11 codec

I use PLIC port 0 slave mode input dcl0=1024khz;port 1 master mode output dlc1=2048khz,fsc1=8khz puls to codec 78d11, but I can not output any wave to scope on Dout1,but I can see Din1 from 78d11 on scope.
I use the GCI mode.
Have any idea to initial the PLIC interface to output on Dout 1?
What's the part number of the chip you are using?
海纳百川  有容乃大
mcf5272 have a PLIC interface,I want use GCI to communication with SLAC(codec).but mcf5272 Dout1 can not see waveform on scope.
The following application notes from freescale web site may be useful for you:

http://www.freescale.com/files/netcomm/doc/reports_presentations/5272PLIC.pdf  (there is an example in p.19 - p.22)
