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关于定制板子时的netlist 文件问题?谢谢各位啊?

关于定制板子时的netlist 文件问题?谢谢各位啊?

在用SOPC Build 中的new board description定制一个新板子,怎么找不到netlist 文件啊,难道它是电路原理图时netlist 文件吗?


Quartus Handbook中的说明。 netlist 需要有原理图工具生成。

You must export a
netlist in the Wirelist format from your PCB design tool. Figure 6–4 shows
an example of the settings in OrCad to create the Wirelist file.

The method you use to produce a Wirelist file differs if you use
a different PCB layout tool or a different version of OrCad. If
you use OrCad, do not use the Convert view on your symbols,
because it causes OrCad to generate incorrect Wirelist files.