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[求助]关于 用Cable III配置Spartan3?

[求助]关于 用Cable III配置Spartan3?

哪位大侠用过 Cable III 配置Spartan3 呢?

  The Parallel Cable III could be powered from 2.5V to 5V; however, it could only interface with 3.3V and 5V logic levels reliably. The 74HC125 buffers in the Parallel Cable III were designed to be powered with a wide VCC range, but were not designed to perform logic level translation. Do not use the Parallel Cable III to configure a part that interfaces at 2.5V levels. If this is required, you must provide your own level-shifter.

说不能进行 2.5V的配置,如果用Cable III,一定要配制成3.3V吗?

这几天在画板,麻烦各位多多指教 多谢

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