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Hi crocodile

As far as I know, the TMS320VC33 power is measured using the same technique as the C54xx series and on a cycle by cycle basis consumes almost exactly 2x that of the C54xx. This is primarily due to the fact that the VC33 is pushing twice the opcode and data width. If your application needs to make use of either, the VC33 will look even better.

This sad but true 'technique' is IMO kind of lame but this is how the
industry works and if you must play the game, you really ought to be
playing the same game, on the same field, and (ab)using the rules to
your advantage. The bottom line is that this number derives from 50%
time spent idle and 50% running an FIR. Flat out, under heavy use
conditions like a 100% FFT utilization, these numbers double. The good
news is that unilike some other devices that like to break these numbers
up even more, the VC33 power is simply the core *and* peripherals.

For a system level power you simply need to add in how much devices
hanging on the external buses like RAM, ADC, DAC... are going to consume.

An example consider that the TMS320VC33 DSK, the applications I have
been writing typically consume a board level current of between 50-125mA
@5V, but you can do much better.

For example, to keep cost and switching noise down, linear regulators
were used for both the 3.3V and 1.8V supplies. If a switcher is used,
the 1.8V core would for example drop by a factor of 1.8/5.0. In this
case the board level current would be in the 25-75mA @5V range.

The CPLD that is used (Cypress CY37128) is not exactly known for low
power, so you can do better here as well. This device was chosen
because of its reasonable cost and 5V tolerant IO that was need for
directly driving the printer port interface.

The LED's have 150 ohm series resistors, so the are fairly bright. This
gives an LED current of (3.3V-1.4Vd)/150=13mA, but the LEDS switch with
a 50% duty cycle, so this only counts one time.

You can also find other interesting ways to lower power simply by
rewriting the code. Examples:

If a function is written for performance, it might just be banging away
at the memory since the memory can be accessed twice per cycle and
loading to a register only consumes cycles. Change this to register
load and register use and presto the power might just drop.

Code and data size: Keep it small and keep as much as possible on chip.
In this case you will be happy to know that the $5 VC33 has four
internal RAM banks (2x16K and 2x1K) for a total of 34Kx32 or 136 Kbytes.

Explore the code examples and ask questions. Wat does come out usually ends up as a demo or something that benefits everyone. Beside the more mundane DSP stuff like SDFT, Real FFT, fast logs and other things that I have been doing
for years (some predate the internet), there are a number of interesting
code tricks. Good luck.
海潮 http://blog.sina.com.cn/m/haichao
Another series you may look at is C62x but at $9+ range:

100% code-compatible with C6000 devices
Advanced VLIW architecture
Up to eight 32-bit instructions executed each cycle
Eight independent, multi-purpose functional units and up to sixty-four 32-bit registers
海潮 http://blog.sina.com.cn/m/haichao
Thanks. I must choose in C6000 series.Now ,I have to do something on power supply of system