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【Urgent Question】 Codewarrior Bug or Code error ? ---About The FFT function

【Urgent Question】 Codewarrior Bug or Code error ? ---About The FFT function

【Urgent Question】 Codewarrior Bug or Code error ? ---About The FFT function dfr16RFFT

        When  i  use  the  function-dfr16RFFT  in  E  to  execute  a  FFT.  It  doesn't  work  well,Although  i  strictly  follow  the  instructions  of  E's  manual  ,It does not work well . My code goes following . i'm wondering what's wrong with it ?  does Anyone can give me an example of the function dfr16RFFT which give the same result of the answer from Matlab  "fft([0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4],8)"

ans =

 -0.0414 + 0.7243i
 -0.2000 - 0.2000i
  0.2414 + 0.1243i
  0.2414 - 0.1243i
 -0.2000 + 0.2000i
 -0.0414 - 0.7243i



Thanks A lot!!!!!!!


void main(void)
 /*** Processor Expert internal initialization. DON'T REMOVE THIS CODE!!! ***/
 /*** End of Processor Expert internal initialization.                    ***/

 /* Write your code here */
  dfr16_tRFFTStruct *pRFFT;
 Result             res;
 Frac16            pX[]={FRAC16(0.1),FRAC16(0.2),FRAC16(0.3),FRAC16(0.4)};
 UInt16      options = FFT_SCALE_RESULTS_BY_N;

 dfr16_sInplaceCRFFT *pZ=malloc(sizeof(dfr16_sInplaceCRFFT));

 pRFFT = dfr16RFFTCreate (8, options); /* N = 8 point RFFT */
 res = dfr16RFFT (pRFFT, pX, pZ);
 dfr16RFFTDestroy (pRFFT);
 for(; {}