%QPSK Implemenatation clear; %This is the first part of the problem where we are first generating a %random input of size 6 bits, which results in 3 QPSk sysmbols; Input1 = rand(1,6); Input = round(Input1) %Conversion of the bits to -1 and +1; s = 2*Input - 1 %plot(s) %The frequncy of the signal along with its sampling frequency which should %be 10 times more than the frequency of the signal as recommended; F = input('Enter the frequency of the signal '); Fs = input('Enter the sampling frequncy '); %Generating the in-phase component of the first symbol I = s(1)*sqrt(2*F)*cos(2*pi*F/Fs*[0 Fs/F)]); plot(I) figure; %Fsj = input('Enter the sampling frequncy i '); %Generating the quadrature phase component of the first symbol Q = s(2)*sqrt(2*F)*sin(2*pi*F/Fs*[0 Fs/F)]); plot(Q) figure; %Fsk = input('Enter the sampling frequncy q'); %Generating the second and the third symbol of the signal; for i =2:3 I1 = s(2*i-1)*sqrt(2*F)*cos(2*pi*F/Fs*[0:Fs/F]); Q1 = s(2*i)*sqrt(2*F)*sin(2*pi*F/Fs*[0:Fs/F]);
%把两个数组接了起来 I = [I I1]; Q = [Q Q1]; end
%plot for Quadrature phase component %Fsj = input('55555'); plot(I); title('In-Phase phase component of QPSK'); xlabel('Sampled Time Axis'); ylabel('Amplitude'); figure;
%Plot for in-phase component plot(Q); title('Quadrature phase component of QPSK'); xlabel('Sampled Time Axis'); ylabel('Amplitude'); figure; %Obtaning the QPSk Signal x = I+Q; plot(x); title('QPSK Signal'); xlabel('Samples Time Axis'); ylabel('Amplitude');
figure; a2 = s(1); for j = 0:F/Fs:.01 a1 = s(1); a2 = [a2 a1]; end
for i = 2:3 a = s(2*i-1); for j = 0:F/Fs:.01 a = [a s(2*i-1)]; end a2 = [a2 a]; end a2 Fsj = input('55555'); plot(a2); title('I'); figure; b2 = s(2); for j = 0:F/Fs:.01 b1 = s(2); b2 = [b2 b1]; end
for i = 2:3 b = s(2*i); for j = 0:F/Fs:.01 b = [b s(2*i)]; end b2 = [b2 b]; end b2 Fsj = input('6666'); plot(b2); title('Q');
%Detection of QPSK signals N=1000;%Number of Iterations s1=[1 0]; s2=[0 1]; s3=[-1 0]; s4=[0 -1]; No=.1507 %Fsj = input('7777');
symbolerror=0;% initializing eror for i=1:N %generation of uniformly distributed symbols a=rand; if(a<=0.25) data=s1; elseif(a<=0.5&a>0.25) data=s2; elseif(a>0.5&a<=0.75) data=s3; else data=s4; end %generation of noise
%corrupting the data with noise
n(1)=randn*sqrt(No/2); %generating noise with variance No/2 n(2)=randn*sqrt(No/2); % Uncomment if Rayleigh fading %r=raylrnd(1)*data+n; r=data+n; %detection of corrupted signal d1=dot(r,s1); d2=dot(r,s2); d3=dot(r,s3); d4=dot(r,s4); d=max([d1 d2 d3 d4]); if(d==d1) decision=s1; elseif(d==d2) decision=s2; elseif(d==d3) decision=s3; else(d==d4) decision=s4; end if(data~=decision) symbolerror=symbolerror+1; end X(i, =r % end perr=symbolerror/N Fsj = input('9999'); figure; plot(X(:,1),X(:,2),'*');%plot of the received signal points title('Received signal') figure; w=[s1;s2;s3;s4]; plot(w(:,1),w(:,2),'x'); title('Transmitted signal')