在s12fts128kv1文档中有关于Unsecuring the Flash via the Backdoor Key Access的说明,步骤如下,如果我知道密钥该如何执行此序列,用什么方法可以写进去?用BDM 是否可以,该怎样写?谁能告诉我, 忠心感谢! 1. Set the KEYACC bit in the Flash Configuration Register FCNFG. 2. Write the correct four 16-bit words backdoor keys to Flash addresses $FF00 - $FF07 sequentially starting with $FF00. 3. Clear the KEYACC bit. 4. If all four 16-bit words match the Flash content, the MCU is unsecured and bits SEC[1:0] in the FSEC register are forced to the unsecure state, ‘10’. 5. If any of the four 16-bit words does not match the Flash content the MCU remains secured. |