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help me!!!

help me!!!

Is there anyone who have some experience about the interface between MATLAB6.1
and CCS1.2 (Ti’s product)? Now I am suffered from it and I need you help, th

After I create a power system model in MATLAB, I want to download the project  
into the Ti 6701EVM by Real-Time Workshop. Sometimes it does work while someti
mes it fails. As I know, in “Simulink Parameters”, it should be “Fixed step
” if I want to gain the project in CCS. But I wonder that if I must choose “
discrete (no continuous states)” because I notice that demos given in MATLAB  
all use this option. If I use this, no problem occur no matter how many times  
I’ve built the project. On the contrary, if I don’t use this, some error mes
sage will display as below in CCS (But I have to use this because a power syst
em is always continuous):

lnk6x "simple_model.mak"
TMS320C6x COFF Linker            Version 4.00
Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Texas Instruments Incorporated
>> warning: entry point other than _c_int00 specified

undefined                        first referenced
symbol                              in file
---------                        ----------------
_rt_UpdateContinuousStates       c6701evm_main.obj
_rt_CreateIntegrationData        c6701evm_main.obj
>> symbol referencing errors - simple_model.out not built
Build Complete,
  2 Errors, 0 Warnings.

At the same time, MATLAB’s RTW Builder:
Error executing build command: Error using ==> make_rtw
Error using ==> ti_c6701evm_make_rtw_hook
There is a problem loading the COFF file for the selected processor.   
Make sure selected board is a C6701 EVM.

What do these problems mean? How to smooth these? If anyone who knows how to solve these problems,  thanks a lot!