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maxplus不能综合after 类型,


我是一个新手,碰到一个非常菜的问题。 我在MAXPLUS II 中用vhdl写了下面的小程序,可是在save and check时,却提示这样 的错误:Unsupported feature error:Generic of this type is not supported 程序如下: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity pgbuf1 is Generic( TRISE=1 ns; TFALL=1 ns ); port ( a0 : in std_logic; z0 : out std_logic ); end pgbuf1; architecture behav of pgbuf1 is begin process(a0) variable zdf : std_logic; begin zdf := a0; if zdf = '1'then z0 <= transport zdf after TRISE; elsif zdf = '0' then z0<=transport zdf after TFALL; else z0<=transport zdf; end if; end process; end behav;