出现以下问题,小弟解决不了请高手帮忙 ISE Auto-Make Log File ----------------------- Updating: Generate PROM File Starting: 'exewrap @__ednTOngd_exewrap.rsp' Starting: 'ngdbuild -f __ngdbuild.rsp '
Release 4.1WP3.x - ngdbuild E.33 Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. ERRORortability:138 - Invalid file format, check the command argument file "__ngdbuild.rsp". Usage: ngdbuild [-p <partname>] {-sd <source_dir>} {-l <library>} [-ur <rules_file[.urf]>] [-dd <output_dir>] [-r] [-a] [-u] [-nt timestamp|on|off] [-uc <ucf_file[.ucf]>] [-aul] [-i] [-modular initial|module|assemble] [-quiet] [-verbose] [-active <active_module_name>] [-pimpath <pimpath>] {-use_pim <pim_module_name>} <design_name> [<ngd_file[.ngd]>]
-p partname Use specified part type to implement the design -sd source_dir Add "source_dir" to the list of directories to search when resolving netlist file references -l library Add "library" to the list of source libraries passed to the netlisters -ur rules_file User rules file for netlist launcher -dd output_dir Directory to place intermediate .ngo files -nt value NGO file generation Options: "timestamp", "on", "off" -nt timestamp: Regenerate NGO only when source netlist is newer than existing NGO file (default) -nt on: Always regenerate NGO file from source design netlists -nt off: Do not regenerate NGO files which already exist. Build NGD file from existing NGO files -uc ucf_file Use specified "User Constraint File". The file <design_name>.ucf is used by default if it is found in the local directory. -r Ignore location constraints -aul Allow unmatched LOC constraints -a Infer pad components from ports in top-level EDIF netlist (if any) -i Ignore usage of default ucf file, if present -u Allow unexpanded blocks in output NGD design. During partial design assembly flow, it gets used along with -modular assemble switch to consider unexpanded blocks as unimplemented modules. -modular initial|module|assemble Modular design flows: -modular initial Modular design in initial budgeting mode -modular module -active <active_module_name> Modular design in active module mode -active <active_module_name> Specifies the name of active module. -modular assemble -pimpath <pimpath> -use_pim <pim_module_name> Modular design in assembly mode -pimpath <pimpath> Specifies directory contains PIMs. -use_pim <pim_module_name> Specifies an instantiated module in a top level design. -use_pim can be used multiple times to specify multiple instantiated modules. if -use_pim is missing, all subdirectories located in <pimpath> directory, which contain a .ngo file with the same subdirectory name, will be considered as valid instantiated modules. -quiet Only report Warning and Error messages -verbose Reports all messages NGDBUILD: Translates and merges the various source files of a design into a single "NGD" design database. EXEWRAP detected a return code of '2' from program 'ngdbuild' Done: failed with exit code: 0002.