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PCI=Peripheral Component Interconnect

PCI Universal Card 32/64 bit
|    PCI         Component Side (side B)                         |
|                                                                |
|                                                                |
|                                                optional        |
|    ____     mandatory 32-bit pins            64-bit pins  _____|
|___|    |||||||--|||||||||||||||||--|||||||--||||||||||||||
         ^     ^  ^               ^  ^     ^  ^            ^
       b01   b11  b14           b49  b52 b62  b63          b94

PCI 5V Card 32/64 bit
|                                                optional        |
|    ____     mandatory 32-bit pins            64-bit pins  _____|
|___|    ||||||||||||||||||||||||||--|||||||--||||||||||||||
PCI 3.3V Card 32/64 bit
|                                                optional        |
|    ____     mandatory 32-bit pins            64-bit pins  _____|
|___|    |||||||--||||||||||||||||||||||||||--||||||||||||||

 (At the computer)
98+22 PIN EDGE CONNECTOR at the computer.

Pin +5V +3.3V Universal Description
A1 TRST   Test Logic Reset
A2 +12V   +12 VDC
A3 TMS   Test Mde Select
A4 TDI   Test Data Input
A5 +5V   +5 VDC
A6 INTA   Interrupt A
A7 INTC   Interrupt C
A8 +5V   +5 VDC
A9 RESV01   Reserved VDC
A10 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
A11 RESV03   Reserved VDC
A12 GND03 (OPEN) (OPEN) Ground or Open (Key)
A13 GND05 (OPEN) (OPEN) Ground or Open (Key)
A14 RESV05   Reserved VDC
A15 RESET   Reset
A16 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
A17 GNT   Grant PCI use
A18 GND08   Ground
A19 RESV06   Reserved VDC
A20 AD30   Address/Data 30
A21 +3.3V01   +3.3 VDC
A22 AD28   Address/Data 28
A23 AD26   Address/Data 26
A24 GND10   Ground
A25 AD24   Address/Data 24
A26 IDSEL   Initialization Device Select
A27 +3.3V03   +3.3 VDC
A28 AD22   Address/Data 22
A29 AD20   Address/Data 20
A30 GND12   Ground
A31 AD18   Address/Data 18
A32 AD16   Address/Data 16
A33 +3.3V05   +3.3 VDC
A34 FRAME   Address or Data phase
A35 GND14   Ground
A36 TRDY   Target Ready
A37 GND15   Ground
A38 STOP   Stop Transfer Cycle
A39 +3.3V07   +3.3 VDC
A40 SDONE   Snoop Done
A41 SBO   Snoop Backoff
A42 GND17   Ground
A43 AR   arity
A44 AD15   Address/Data 15
A45 +3.3V10   +3.3 VDC
A46 AD13   Address/Data 13
A47 AD11   Address/Data 11
A48 GND19   Ground
A49 AD9   Address/Data 9
A52 C/BE0   Command, Byte Enable 0
A53 +3.3V11   +3.3 VDC
A54 AD6   Address/Data 6
A55 AD4   Address/Data 4
A56 GND21   Ground
A57 AD2   Address/Data 2
A58 AD0   Address/Data 0
A59 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
A60 REQ64   Request 64 bit ???
A61 VCC11   +5 VDC
A62 VCC13   +5 VDC
A63 GND   Ground
A64 C/BE[7]#   Command, Byte Enable 7
A65 C/BE[5]#   Command, Byte Enable 5
A66 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
A67 AR64   arity 64 ???
A68 AD62   Address/Data 62
A69 GND   Ground
A70 AD60   Address/Data 60
A71 AD58   Address/Data 58
A72 GND   Ground
A73 AD56   Address/Data 56
A74 AD54   Address/Data 54
A75 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
A76 AD52   Address/Data 52
A77 AD50   Address/Data 50
A78 GND   Ground
A79 AD48   Address/Data 48
A80 AD46   Address/Data 46
A81 GND   Ground
A82 AD44   Address/Data 44
A83 AD42   Address/Data 42
A84 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
A85 AD40   Address/Data 40
A86 AD38   Address/Data 38
A87 GND   Ground
A88 AD36   Address/Data 36
A89 AD34   Address/Data 34
A90 GND   Ground
A91 AD32   Address/Data 32
A92 RES   Reserved
A93 GND   Ground
A94 RES   Reserved
B1 -12V   -12 VDC
B2 TCK   Test Clock
B3 GND   Ground
B4 TDO   Test Data Output
B5 +5V   +5 VDC
B6 +5V   +5 VDC
B7 INTB   Interrupt B
B8 INTD   Interrupt D
B9 RSNT1   Reserved
B10 RES   +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
B11 RSNT2   ??
B12 GND (OPEN) (OPEN) Ground or Open (Key)
B13 GND (OPEN) (OPEN) Ground or Open (Key)
B14 RES   Reserved VDC
B15 GND   Reset
B16 CLK   Clock
B17 GND   Ground
B18 REQ   Request
B19 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
B20 AD31   Address/Data 31
B21 AD29   Address/Data 29
B22 GND   Ground
B23 AD27   Address/Data 27
B24 AD25   Address/Data 25
B25 +3.3V   +3.3VDC
B26 C/BE3   Command, Byte Enable 3
B27 AD23   Address/Data 23
B28 GND   Ground
B29 AD21   Address/Data 21
B30 AD19   Address/Data 19
B31 +3.3V   +3.3 VDC
B32 AD17   Address/Data 17
B33 C/BE2   Command, Byte Enable 2
B34 GND13   Ground
B35 IRDY   Initiator Ready
B36 +3.3V06   +3.3 VDC
B37 DEVSEL   Device Select
B38 GND16   Ground
B39 LOCK   Lock bus
B40 ERR   arity Error
B41 +3.3V08   +3.3 VDC
B42 SERR   System Error
B43 +3.3V09   +3.3 VDC
B44 C/BE1   Command, Byte Enable 1
B45 AD14   Address/Data 14
B46 GND18   Ground
B47 AD12   Address/Data 12
B48 AD10   Address/Data 10
B49 GND20   Ground
B50 (OPEN) GND (OPEN) Ground or Open (Key)
B51 (OPEN) GND (OPEN) Ground or Open (Key)
B52 AD8   Address/Data 8
B53 AD7   Address/Data 7
B54 +3.3V12   +3.3 VDC
B55 AD5   Address/Data 5
B56 AD3   Address/Data 3
B57 GND22   Ground
B58 AD1   Address/Data 1
B59 VCC08   +5 VDC
B60 ACK64   Acknowledge 64 bit ???
B61 VCC10   +5 VDC
B62 VCC12   +5 VDC
B63 RES   Reserved
B64 GND   Ground
B65 C/BE[6]#   Command, Byte Enable 6
B66 C/BE[4]#   Command, Byte Enable 4
B67 GND   Ground
B68 AD63   Address/Data 63
B69 AD61   Address/Data 61
B70 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
B71 AD59   Address/Data 59
B72 AD57   Address/Data 57
B73 GND   Ground
B74 AD55   Address/Data 55
B75 AD53   Address/Data 53
B76 GND   Ground
B77 AD51   Address/Data 51
B78 AD49   Address/Data 49
B79 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
B80 AD47   Address/Data 47
B81 AD45   Address/Data 45
B82 GND   Ground
B83 AD43   Address/Data 43
B84 AD41   Address/Data 41
B85 GND   Ground
B86 AD39   Address/Data 39
B87 AD37   Address/Data 37
B88 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
B89 AD35   Address/Data 35
B90 AD33   Address/Data 33
B91 GND   Ground
B92 RES   Reserved
B93 RES   Reserved
B94 GND   Ground
Notes: Pin 63-94 exists only on 64 bit PCI implementations.
+V I/O is 3.3V on 3.3V boards, 5V on 5V boards, and define signal rails on the Universal board.
