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Microchip PIC32 USB容易使用低成本开发方案

Microchip PIC32 USB容易使用低成本开发方案

关键词: Microchip , PIC32 , USB
Microchip公司的PIC32 USB开发套件具有容易使用和低成本特性,采用32位MCUPIC32MX360F512L,3.3V稳压电源,8MHz晶振,用来调试的USB连接,采用PIC18LF4550 USB 微控制器进行板调试,主要用在高度紧凑的图像/用户接口,以太网/USB/CAN连接,多任务嵌入控制和高性能音频设备.本文介绍了PIC32 USB开发工具主要特性,框图,元件布局图以及电路图和材料清单.

The PIC32 Starter Kit provides the easiest and lowest cost method to experience the PIC32 microcontroller for the first time. From the over 35 source code examples to the getting started project, users quickly learn Microchip’s 32-bit family of microcontrollers and development tools. The kit includes everything needed to write, program, debug, and execute code on a high performance PIC32 microcontroller.

图1. PIC32 USB开发工具外形图

The starter kit comes preloaded with demonstration software for the user to explore the new features of the PIC32. It is also expandable through a modular expansion interface,which allows the user to extend its functionality. The starter kit also supplies on-board circuitry for full debug and programming capabilities.

The PIC32 Starter Kit contains the following items:

• PIC32 Starter Kit Board

• USB Mini-B cable

PIC32 USB开发工具主要特性:

1. PIC32MX360F512L 32-bit microcontroller.

2. Green power indicator LED.

3. Regulated +3.3V power supply for powering the starter kit board via USB or expansion board.

4. On-board crystal for precision microcontroller clocking (8 MHz).

5. USB connectivity for on-board debugger communications.

6. PIC18LF4550 USB microcontroller for on-board debugging.

7. Orange Debug indicator LED.

8. Three push-button switches for user-defined inputs.

9. Three user-defined indicator LEDs.

10. Connector for connecting various expansion boards (on the underside of board).

图2.PIC32 USB开发板元件布局图

图3.PIC32 USB开发板方框图

图4.PIC32 USB开发板电路图(1)

图5.PIC32 USB开发板电路图(2)

图6.PIC32 USB开发板电路图(3)

图7.PIC32 USB开发板电路图(4):开关和LED

图8.PIC32 USB开发板电路图(5):电源

PIC32 USB开发板材料清单:

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