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嵌入开发(WinCE)的一些经验 06

嵌入开发(WinCE)的一些经验 06


Release configurations use the following macros:
RETAILMSG(cond, printf_exp). Conditionally displays the print message.
RETAILLED(cond, parms). Conditionally outputs WORD values to the LED.
ERRORMSG(cond, printf_exp). Prints "Error: File Line" before the print message.

To enable the debug macros, you must build a debug configuration. Debug configurations use the three retail macros listed above, as well as the following debug macros:
DEBUGMSG(cond, printf_exp). Conditionally displays the print message.
DEBUGLED(cond, parms). Conditionally outputs WORD values to the LED.
DEBUGCHK(expr). Asserts the expression. If expr is FALSE, the macro calls DEBUGBREAK.
DEBUGZONE(zone_id). Tests the mask bit in the current debug zone settings. You can use DEBUGZONE to turn debug zones on or off.