请教高手。 我的一个工程,用的是ISE7.1,芯片是XC2S50-PQ208。编译完成到map的时候一直出错,说一个网络“orient”连接到了BUFG上,但是没有给它分配全局的管脚。 可是天地良心,这个网络我根本就没有用到BUFG。 ucf文件如下,红色的是出问题的网络,屏蔽掉後可以编译通过 NET "b" LOC = "P166" ; NET "g" LOC = "P165" ; NET "hs" LOC = "P168" ; NET "orient" LOC="P45" ;
NET "r" LOC = "P164" ; NET "vs" LOC = "P167" ; NET "clk" LOC = "P80" ; 下面是ISE的错误提示 Using target part "2s50pq208-5". Mapping design into LUTs... ERROR:MapLib:93 - Illegal LOC on IPAD symbol "orient" or BUFGP symbol "orient_BUFGP" (output signal=orient_BUFGP), IPAD-IBUFG should only be LOCed to GCLKIOB site. Error found in mapping process, exiting... Errors found during the mapping phase. Please see map report file for more details. Output files will not be written. |