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configuration images什么意思?

configuration images什么意思?

在看ML403的使用文档时,说道FPGA的配置方式时老提到configuration images可是不明白是什么意思,资料上好像也没详细提起。还有所谓的ZBT SRAM在板子上有什么作用?资料上好像也没提起。

就是在那个选择配置方式的开关SW12旁边有六个开关,左边三个开关好像跟这个configuration images有关。相关的话是The three leftmost switches choose one of eight possible configuration addresses。These
three DIP switches provide the System ACE controller and the CPLD the possibility of
using up to eight different configuration images as set by these three switches. The
Platform Flash memory supports up to four different images。
