function mask_5(data1,data2,data3,data4,data5,data6,data7,data8,data9,data10,data11,data12,data13,data14,data15,data16,data17,data18,data19,data20,data21,data22,data23,data24,data25 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) ------------(提示错误为:Error: VHDL error at filter.vhd(75): formal port or parameter "data23" must have actual or default value) return integer is variable d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9,d10,d11,d12,d13,d14,d15,d16,d17,d18,d19,d20,d21,d22,d23,d24,d25 : integer ; variable sum_5 : integer ; begin d1 := CONV_INTEGER(data1); d2 := CONV_INTEGER(data2); d3 := CONV_INTEGER(data3); d4 := CONV_INTEGER(data4); d5 := CONV_INTEGER(data5); d6 := CONV_INTEGER(data6); d7 := CONV_INTEGER(data7); d8 := CONV_INTEGER(data8); d9 := CONV_INTEGER(data9); d10 := CONV_INTEGER(data10); d11 := CONV_INTEGER(data11); d12 := CONV_INTEGER(data12); d13 := CONV_INTEGER(data13); d14 := CONV_INTEGER(data14); d15 := CONV_INTEGER(data15); d16 := CONV_INTEGER(data16); d17 := CONV_INTEGER(data17); d18 := CONV_INTEGER(data18); d19 := CONV_INTEGER(data19); d20 := CONV_INTEGER(data20); d21 := CONV_INTEGER(data21); d22 := CONV_INTEGER(data22); d23 := CONV_INTEGER(data23); d24 := CONV_INTEGER(data24); d25 := CONV_INTEGER(data25); sum_5 := d1+d2+d3+d4+d5+d6+d7+d8+d9+d10+d11+d12+d13+d14+d15+d16+d17+d18+d19+d20+d21+d22+d23+d24+d25 ; return sum_5; end mask_5; 下面是函数调用时的错误: process (reset_n, iCLK) begin if (reset_n = '0') then mask_reg <= (others=>'0'); elsif (iCLK'event and iCLK = '1') then if (enable = '1') then mask_reg <= din; if (mask_reg(103 downto 96) = "11111111")then if ( mask_5(mask_reg(7 downto 0),mask_reg(15 downto 8),mask_reg(23 downto 16),mask_reg(31 downto 24),mask_reg(39 downto 32),mask_reg(47 downto 40),mask_reg(55 downto 48),mask_reg(63 downto 56),mask_reg(71 downto 64),mask_reg(79 downto 72),mask_reg(87 downto 80),mask_reg(95 downto 88),mask_reg(103 downto 96),mask_reg(111 downto 104),mask_reg(119 downto 112),mask_reg(127 downto 120),mask_reg(135 downto 128),mask_reg(143 downto 136),mask_reg(151 downto 144),mask_reg(159 downto 152),mask_reg(167 downto 160),mask_reg(175 downto 168),mask_reg(183 downto 17),mask_reg(191 downto 184),mask_reg(199 downto 192))<5*255)then---------(错误提示:Error: VHDL expression error at filter.vhd(383): expression has 167 elements, but must have 8 elements) oDATA <= (others=>'0'); end if; end if; end if; end if; end process;