我的 capture打不开文件,是什么原因?可以帮帮忙吗
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我的 capture打不开文件,是什么原因?可以帮帮忙吗
我用 ORCAD capture打开一个已经建立的project的时候出现这样的对话筐提示(如下),然后选择YES会无法响应,然后提示错误,退出。。。这个问题可以怎么解决??谢谢大家,帮帮忙,我刚入门,很多都不懂。。。。。。
This application,OrCAD Capture,has encounterned following unrecoverable exception,and hence needs to be closed down EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION:: One of the theads has tried to read from or write to a virtual ddress for which it does not have the appropriate access Do you wang to save all the open design now before Capture closes? 是(Y) 否(N)
- 183734
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为了告诉大家解决办法,专门注册,不容易啊 http://hi.baidu.com/mousetopshow/blog/item/3c678451a77de82743a75ba4.html OrCAD 出错解决方法[转] 使用OrCAD 10.5会出现如下问题的说明: exception access violation threads has read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access 当用ORCAD10.5打开一个文件时,弹出错误窗口,大意是一个线程读取虚拟地址错误,程序将关闭,点确定是保存后再关闭,点取消是直接关闭程序 解决方法: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer下的 NoRecentDocsHistory注册表项(DWORD类型的)设置为0,重启explorer.exe进程 |
- 177115
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真是太感谢你了!!我还想重装系统。。幸好试了你这个方法。。。。。。我用的是15.7也能正常打开了。。。太谢谢了。。。。 |
- 177115
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