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关于串行监控程序调试 急问![求助]

关于串行监控程序调试 急问![求助]

在freescale网站上下载了一个名字为AN2548SW1的文档,里面是监控程序代码。我用的是DG128B单片机。为什么直接将该监控程序编译后的.sx文件下载到单片机里面,然后用监控程序调试的时候,总是提示“could not connect to hardware”??
海纳百川  有容乃大
海纳百川  有容乃大
;EEpromStart: equ $0800 ;eeprom start
;EEpromEnd: equ $0FFF ;eeprom end
;RamStart: equ $2000 ;first RAM location
;FlashBlks: equ $02 ;# of flash blks
;SectorSize: equ $0200 ;Flash sector size
;LowestPage: equ $38 ;lowest page
agesBlk: equ $04 ;pages per block
;softwareID4: equ $0110 ;device ID #
;OscFreq: equ 4000 ;Enter Osc speed
;initSYNR: equ $05 ; mult by synr + 1 = 6 (24MHz)
;initREFDV: equ $00 ;
OscFreq: equ 8000 ;Enter Osc speed
initSYNR: equ $02 ; mult by synr + 1 = 3 (24MHz)
initREFDV: equ $00 ;
;OscFreq: equ 16000 ;Enter Osc speed
;initSYNR: equ $02 ; mult by synr + 1 = 3/2 (24MHz)
;initREFDV: equ $01 ; divide by Refdiv + 1
;OscFreq: equ 25000 ;Enter Osc speed
;initSYNR: equ $00 ; mult by synr + 1 = 1 (25MHz)
;initREFDV: equ $00 ; divide by Refdiv + 1

;SwPort: equ PTQ ;pushbutton sw connected to port Q
;Switch: equ PTQ0 ;switch connected to PTQ bit-5
;SwPullup: equ PERQ ;pullup enable for sw port
;mSwPullup: equ PTQ0 ;Mask value to enable for sw port
;SwPort: equ PTP ;pushbutton sw connected to port P
;Switch: equ PTP5 ;switch connected to PTP bit-5
;SwPullup: equ PERP ;pullup enable for sw port
;mSwPullup: equ PTP5 ;Mask value to enable for sw port
SwPort: equ PORTA ;pushbutton sw connected to port A
Switch: equ PTA6 ;switch connected to PTA bit-6
SwPullup: equ PUCR ;pullup enable for sw port
mSwPullup: equ PUPAE ;Mask value to enable for sw port
;SwPort: equ PORTB ;pushbutton sw connected to port B
;Switch: equ PTB4 ;switch connected to PTB bit-4
;Switch: equ PTB0 ;switch connected to PTB bit-0
;SwPullup: equ PUCR ;pullup enable for sw port
;mSwPullup: equ PUPBE ;Mask value to enable for sw port
;SwPort: equ PTL ;pushbutton sw connected to port P
;Switch: equ PTL6 ;switch connected to PTP bit-5
;SwPullup: equ PERL ;pullup enable for sw port
;mSwPullup: equ PTL6 ;Mask value to enable for sw port
;SwPort: equ PTP ;pushbutton sw connected to port P
;Switch: equ PTP0 ;switch connected to PTP bit-0
;SwPullup: equ PERP ;pullup enable for sw port
;mSwPullup: equ PTP0 ;Mask value to enable for sw port
;SwPort: equ PTG ;pushbutton sw connected to port G
;Switch: equ PTG4 ;switch connected to PTP bit-4
;SwPullup: equ PERG ;pullup enable for sw port
;mSwPullup: equ PTG4 ;Mask value to enable for sw port

AllowSci0 equ $0

SwPort那一段程序选择哪个呢?还有最后的一句话是0 还是1呢?
海纳百川  有容乃大