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cyclone pro燒寫問題[求助]

cyclone pro燒寫問題[求助]

executing C_layout.hwl

!OPEN source 0 0 60 39
!Source < attributes MARKS off
!OPEN assembly 60 0 40 31
!Assembly < attributes ADR on,CODE off,ABSADR on,SYMB off,TOPPC 0xF88C
!OPEN procedure 0 39 60 17
!Procedure < attributes VALUES on,TYPES off
!OPEN register 60 31 40 25
!Register < attributes FORMAT AUTO,COMPLEMENT None
!OPEN memory 60 56 40 22
!Memory < attributes FORMAT hex,COMPLEMENT None,WORD 1,ASC on,ADR on,ADDRESS 0x80
!OPEN data 0 56 60 22
!Data:1 < attributes SCOPE global,COMPLEMENT None,FORMAT Symb,MODE automatic,UPDATERATE 10,NAMEWIDTH 16
!OPEN data 0 78 60 22
!Data:2 < attributes SCOPE local,COMPLEMENT None,FORMAT Symb,MODE automatic,UPDATERATE 10,NAMEWIDTH 16
!OPEN command 60 78 40 22
!Command < attributes CACHESIZE 1000
!bckcolor 50331647
!font 'Courier New' 9 BLACK
!ACTIVATE Data:2 Command Procedure Data:1 Source Register Assembly Memory
done C_layout.hwl

Loading Target ...
Windows NT detected.
CYCLONE PRO detected - Flash Version 6.78
Frequency change to ~4020864hz.
CYCLONE PRO detected - Flash Version 6.78
WARNING - Device is secure. Flash is not accessible.
Device is 9S08GB32.
Mode is In-Circuit Debug.

IO registers loaded for MC9S08GB32 from C:\Program Files\Freescale\CodeWarrior for HC08 V5.1\prog\REG\MCU1003.REG
executing .\cmd\BDM_P&E_Multilink_CyclonePro_startup.cmd

!// At startup the commands written below will be executed
Target Ready
done .\cmd\BDM_P&E_Multilink_CyclonePro_startup.cmd

Startup command file correctly executed.
executing .\cmd\BDM_P&E_Multilink_CyclonePro_preload.cmd

!// Before load the commands written below will be executed
done .\cmd\BDM_P&E_Multilink_CyclonePro_preload.cmd

Preload command file correctly executed.

Loading 10272 bytes.

Error: Error loading programming algorithm - load aborted.

Error: Error occured during Flash programming.

ERROR LOADING .s8p FILE : C:/PROGRAM FILES\FREESCALE\Codewarrior for hc08 v5.1\prog\p&e\9s08gb32.s8p at address 000083
ERROR 14 during script
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