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uclibc编译时遇到头文件问题 header

uclibc编译时遇到头文件问题 header

目前我在uclinux 2.6 上面编译我的应用程序,可是遇到了一个头文件的问题,感觉上是uclibc的问题,因为我比较了一下uclibc.org所提供的uclibc的header files,还是有很大的不同的。不知道大家们是不是也曾经遇到过。 The include directory is "C:/altera/kits/nios2/bin/eclipse/plugins/com.microtronix.nios2linux.uClibc_0.1.0/include/". In the file , I got the "undefined error message" for the symbol "__le64", but it was defined in . But unfortunately, only if we do not define "__KERNEL_STRICT_NAMES", "__le64" will be defined as expected. And the "__KERNEL_STRICT_NAMES" is defined in , since the "_LOOSE_KERNEL_NAMES" is not defined. 多谢大家指点了。