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bs 为宽脉冲(位同步),fsk为窄脉冲(经过调频的),求每个宽脉冲内窄脉冲个数 就是用计数器解调2fsk的部分电路 总出错:non-locally-static attribute names are not supported 在怎么回事 有人会编写2fsk解调的vhhl 程序吗 我快疯了 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity jsq is port(fsk:in std_logic; bs:in std_logic; qut std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)); end entity jsq; architecture behave of jsq is signal tt:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal temp:std_logic; begin p1:process(bs) begin if bs'event then temp<= '0'; else temp<='1'; end if; end process p1; p2:process(fsk) begin if temp='0'then tt<="000"; elsif(fsk'event and fsk='1') then tt<=tt+1; end if; q<=tt; end process p2; end architecture behave;