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我用的是9S08DZ60,仿照PE产生的代码 我也自己定义一些寄存器 前段时间一只好用 后来出现警告:[url=]L1823: External object <Symbol Name> in <File Name> created by default[/url][url=]Description[/url]Unresolved external. The specified symbol is referenced in the file specified, but is not defined anywhere in the application, but an external declaration for this object is available in at least one of the binary file. The object is supposed to be defined in the first binary file where it is externally defined. This is only valid for ANSI-C applications. In this case an external definition for a variable var looks like:
extern int var;
The definition of the corresponding variable looks like:
int var;但凡出现这个提示 我的程序就不能用了 求救