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# NB:  The timing numbers in this architecture file have been modified
# to comply with our NDA with the foundry providing us with process
# information.  The critical path delay output by VPR WILL NOT be accurate,
# as we have intentionally altered the delays to introduce inaccuracy.
# The numbers are still reasonable enough to allow CAD experimentation,
# though.  If you want real timing numbers, you'll have to insert your own
# process data for the various, R, C, and Tdel entries.

# A simple architecture. 

# All wires span only one logic block, and all routing switches are tri-state
# buffers.
# The logic block is a single 4-LUT + FF.

# Uniform channels.  Each pin appears on only one side.
io_rat 2
chan_width_io 1
chan_width_x uniform 1
chan_width_y uniform 1

# 4-input LUT.  LUT inputs first, then output, then clock.
inpin class: 0 bottom
inpin class: 0 left
inpin class: 0 top
inpin class: 0 right
outpin class: 1 bottom
inpin class: 2 global top                  # Clock; shouldn't matter.

# Class 0 is LUT inputs, class 1 is the output, class 2 is the clock.

subblocks_per_clb 1
subblock_lut_size 4

#parameters needed only for detailed routing.
#switch_block_type wilton
#switch_block_type universal
switch_block_type subset
Fc_type fractional
Fc_output 1
Fc_input 1
Fc_pad 1

segment frequency: 1 length: 1 wire_switch: 0 opin_switch: 0 Frac_cb: 1. \
         Frac_sb: 1. Rmetal: 4.16 Cmetal: 81e-15

# Switch used as a tri-state buffer within the routing, and also as the
# output buffer used to drive from a CLB output pin to a routing wire.
switch 0  buffered: yes  R: 786.9 Cin: 7.512e-15  Cout: 10.762e-15 \
       Tdel: 456e-12

# Used only by the area model.
R_minW_nmos 1967
R_minW_pmos 3738

# Timing info below.

C_ipin_cblock 7.512e-15
T_ipin_cblock 1.5e-9
T_ipad 478e-12   # clk_to_Q + 2:1 mux
T_opad 295e-12   # Tsetup
T_sblk_opin_to_sblk_ipin 0  # No local routing
T_clb_ipin_to_sblk_ipin 0   # No local routing
T_sblk_opin_to_clb_opin 0.
# Delays through the BLE (LUT and a FF)
T_subblock T_comb: 546e-12 T_seq_in: 845e-12 T_seq_out: 478e-12
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