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I designed a CIC filter about 7 or 8 years ago with Xilinx FPGA. It converted 48K audio signal up to 40M. At that time, 40M was almost the fastest Xilinx FPGA could go.

There was an application note on Xilinx website talking about how to implement it on their 6000 family devices. I am not sure if you can still find it any more. Those devices were discontinued long time ago. Good luck!
I designed a CIC filter about 7 or 8 years ago with Xilinx FPGA. It converted 48K audio signal up to 40M. At that time, 40M was almost the fastest Xilinx FPGA could go.

There was an application note on Xilinx website talking about how to implement it on their 6000 family devices. I am not sure if you can still find it any more. Those devices were discontinued long time ago. Good luck!

I can't find it!

Could you tell me how to do it.


有谁自己做过CIC滤波器,不是用IP Core的,能否指教:

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-30 16:33:23编辑过]
