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Nios II 的 custom instruction 只能有两个32位输入端和一个32为输出端。相应生成的宏也只能有两个32位数输入输出。但是我现在有一个C函数的输入要求是32位数的数组(至少包含两个以上32位数)。请问如何实现将这种函数转化为custom instruction?谢谢

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-9 21:37:28编辑过]




This section walks you through the process of implementing Nios II
custom instructions in hardware, and also provides custom instruction
tool-flow explanations.
To implement the Nios II custom instruction for the leading-zeros design,
you must:
1. Open the custom instruction tutorial hardware design.
2. Add the leading-zeros custom instruction logic to the Nios II CPU.
3. Generate the SOPC Builder system and compile the design in
Quartus II.
Altera Corporation Core Version a.b.c variable 3–7
December 2004 Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide
Implementing a Nios II Processor Custom Instruction
Open The Custom Instruction Hardware Design
1. Choose Programs > Altera > Quartus II <version> (Windows Start
2. Choose Open Project... (File menu).
3. Browse to the quartus_project directory for your board.
4. Choose the custom_instruction.qpf and click Open.
5. Choose SOPC Builder…(Tools menu) to start SOPC Builder.
Add The Leading-Zeros Custom Instruction Logic
This section walks you through the process of adding a custom
instruction to an SOPC Builder system, and also provides custom
instruction tool-flow explanations.
1. Select cpu_0 in the Altera SOPC Builder System Contents page.
See Figure 3–4.
Figure 3–4. SOPC Builder System Contents Page
2. Choose Edit… (Module menu). The Nios II Processor Configuration
wizard appears.
3. Click on the Custom Instructions tab.
3–8 Core Version a.b.c variable Altera Corporation
Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide December 2004
Implementing Custom Instruction Hardware in SOPC Builder
4. Click Import… The Interface to User Logic wizard appears. See

这个版主不太冷 =========================== 我的中电网博客:http://blog.chinaecnet.com/u/20/index.htm
谢谢版主的回复[em07] 其实这个tutorial 我都已经看过了,这个leading zero的例子我也试过了,不过我现在的问题是一个定制指令只能有两个32位输入和一个32位输出。leading zero只有一个输入是没问题,但是我要转换的函数有至少6个32位数输入和2个32位数输出。请问这个问题如何解决呢?




这个版主不太冷 =========================== 我的中电网博客:http://blog.chinaecnet.com/u/20/index.htm


我还听过一种方法是顺序读入6个输入,也就是用一个CI读三遍,直到收到6个输入后才开始逻辑操作。但这就需要CI能暂时存储读入的数据直到操作结束。听说读写internal register file可以实现这个目的。但是目前为止我还没能解决这个问题。而且这种方法的执行效率也比较低,输入的数目越多,浪费的运行时间也越多。

版主说的第二种方法我也听过,应该就是hardware acceleration了吧。这种方法也是硬件加速,不过不像CI只能2in1out,它处理可以多入多出的操作,一般来说如果函数执行时间不多于2-3个clock cycle就用CI,多于这个数目就推荐用这个方法了。而且现在altera提供了 nio C2H可以自动生成代码,还是很方便的。我就正准备试试这个方法。(就是那个C2H软件好像很贵很贵的,^_^)

7# phoeix