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另外,胡乱写了一个中断程序,出现这个连接错误,什么原因? initializing of vector IT_routine failed beacuse of over- or underflow vector value code: ==================== #include /* common defines and macros */ #include /* derivative information */ #pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12dp256b" #pragma TRAP_PROC void IT_Routine(void) { PTH=0xFF; } void main(void) { /* put your own code here */ EnableInterrupts; DDRH=0; for(;;) {} /* wait forever */ } VECTOR 6 IT_Routine VECTOR 0 _Startup /* reset vector: this is the default entry point for a C/C++ application. */ //VECTOR 0 Entry /* reset vector: this is the default entry point for a Assembly application. */ //INIT Entry /* for assembly applications: that this is as well the initialisation entry point */ ==========================
加一句即可: #include /* common defines and macros */ #include /* derivative information */ #pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12dp256b" #pragma CODE_SEG __NEAR_SEG NON_BANKED #pragma TRAP_PROC void IT_Routine(void) { PTH=0xFF; } void main(void) { /* put your own code here */ EnableInterrupts; for(;;) {} /* wait forever */ }
海纳百川  有容乃大
OK了! 非常感谢 strongchen.  请问加这句是什么意思? #pragma 命令是怎么个用法?

海纳百川  有容乃大