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[求助] 编译有些警告,看不懂,那位高手指点下!

[求助] 编译有些警告,看不懂,那位高手指点下!

Warning : C1020: Incompatible type to previous declaration (found 'void *(*) (void (*)(void *),void *,unsigned char *,unsigned int )',
expected 'unsigned char *(*) (void (*)(void *),void *,unsigned char *,unsigned int )')

OS_CPU_C.C line 11  

C1440: This is causing previous message 1020

ucos_ii.h line 823  

Warning : C1825: Indirection to different types ('unsigned char *' instead of 'unsigned int *')

OS_CPU_C.C line 14  

Warning : C5917: Removed dead assignment

OS_CPU_C.C line 15  

Warning : C4200: Other segment than in previous declaration

OS_CPU_C.C line 40  

C12053: Stack-pointer change not in debugging-information

OS_CPU_C.C line 62  

Warning : C4200: Other segment than in previous declaration

OS_CPU_C.C line 81  

C12053: Stack-pointer change not in debugging-information

OS_CPU_C.C line 92  

C12053: Stack-pointer change not in debugging-information

OS_CPU_C.C line 114  

Warning : C5917: Removed dead assignment

OS_CPU_C.C line 173  

Warning : C5917: Removed dead assignment

OS_CPU_C.C line 192  

Warning : C5917: Removed dead assignment

OS_CPU_C.C line 268  

L1923: File G:\s12\S12\S12_Data\Simulator\ObjectCode\OS_FLAG.C.o has no DWARF debug info

L1923: File G:\s12\S12\S12_Data\Simulator\ObjectCode\OS_SEM.C.o has no DWARF debug info

L1923: File G:\s12\S12\S12_Data\Simulator\ObjectCode\OS_TASK.C.o has no DWARF debug info

L1923: File G:\s12\S12\S12_Data\Simulator\ObjectCode\OS_TIME.C.o has no DWARF debug info

L1923: File G:\s12\S12\S12_Data\Simulator\ObjectCode\OS_CORE.C.o has no DWARF debug info

L1923: File G:\s12\S12\S12_Data\Simulator\ObjectCode\OS_CPU_C.C.o has no DWARF debug info


