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标签: simulation

  版块 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
CodeWarrior新建工程问题,关于Full chip simulation项 aopossible 2011-11-15 0 / 1245 aopossible 2011-11-15 14:14
modelsim时序仿真问题 FPGA/CPLD可编程逻辑 tu461987807 2011-8-25 1 / 943 tu461987807 2011-8-25 14:07
modelsim问题Error: Failure to obtain a Verilog simulation license FPGA/CPLD可编程逻辑 benbenth1982 2008-8-14 4 / 6363 NEWPY 2010-11-5 11:55
编译时总出现Hardware simulation is not enabled for the target SOPC Builder sy bufan330 2008-11-18 4 / 4416 dstic 2010-7-21 09:28
关于simulation library complition wizard 99zyj 2010-3-12 2 / 1434 99zyj 2010-3-17 13:25
[求助]为什么使用PAGED_RAM后不能Full Chip Simulation了? netfish 2009-7-2 1 / 1209 strongchen 2009-7-3 17:02
请问下可以用CW的full chip simulation模拟EEPROM吗? verilog_007 2008-11-18 2 / 1319 verilog_007 2008-11-20 11:52
HyperLynx Simulation Software PCB综合技术 yhghg 2008-1-18 0 / 1155 yhghg 2008-1-18 14:01
[求助]full chip simulation和stop mode唤醒 ygs090608 2006-7-28 10 / 2357 strongchen 2006-11-10 15:55
[求助]full chip simulation和stop mode唤醒 ygs090608 2006-7-28 2 / 1184 ygs090608 2006-7-31 08:53
关于NIOS的SIMULATION jackyxieac 2006-1-16 2 / 1163 jackyxieac 2006-1-20 11:41
xilinxSynopsys(XSI) Synthesis and simulation Design Guide! vincent 2005-12-31 4 / 1321 xiaohai 2006-1-12 09:25
有关simulation cycle 的问题,请前辈们指点 FPGA/CPLD可编程逻辑 三刀流的奥义 2005-5-12 0 / 1039 三刀流的奥义 2005-5-12 14:11