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可能是MC56F803x_init.asm文件的问题. 打开MC56F803x_init.asm文件.找到下面汇编语句,在它前面加一个分号试一试。

; hostIO cleanup with exit_halt
;jsr Fexit_halt ; stationery examples use standard i/o
; such as printf implemented with hostIO
; so we use exit_halt here
; see runtime file exit_dsp.asm
; comment out exit_halt if not using hostIO
可能是MC56F803x_init.asm文件的问题. 打开MC56F803x_init.asm文件.找到下面汇编语句,在它前面加一个分号试一试。

; hostIO cleanup with exit_halt
;jsr Fexit_halt ;stationery examples use standard i/o
; such as printf implemented with hostIO
; so we use exit_halt here
; see runtime file exit_dsp.asm
; comment out exit_halt if not using hostIO