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各位老师:你们好!我用的是MC68HC908JL3,外部时钟是8M。程序如下。我想PTB_PTB1得到2.4K的方波。可是实际只有623.5的方波。 #include /* for EnableInterrupts macro */ #include /* include peripheral declarations */ unsigned char counter1; /********* Timer init procedure *********/ void InitTimer(void) { TSC |= 0x70; TSC |= 0x07; /* Prescaler 64 BUS Cycles, 8MHz - 1/8uS */ TMODH = 0x03; /* Modulo value set to create 100Us overflow - interrupt */ TMODL = 0x20; TSC = 0x47; } /********* Timer interrupt Procedure ***********/ #pragma TRAP_PROC /* mark it as interrupt service routine */ void TimerInterrupt(void) { /*PWM 2.4kHZ counter++;*/ if (counter1 == 0) { PTB_PTB1=0; } else if (counter1 >= 1 && counter1 <= 1) { PTB_PTB1=0; } else if (counter1 >= 2 && counter1 <= 3) { PTB_PTB1=1; } else { PTB_PTB1=0; counter1=0; } counter1++; TSC &= 0x7F; /*reset TOF flag */ } void main(void) { InitTimer(); EnableInterrupts; /* allow interrupts to occur */ for(;;) { COPCTL = COPCTL;/*COP refresh */ ReadAD(); /*Read ADC8-10 */ __RESET_WATCHDOG(); }/* for ever */