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library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

package instr is
 type instruction is (add, sub, lda, ldb, sta, stb, outa, xfr);
end instr;

use work.instr.all;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity mp is
 port(instr : in instruction;
   addr : in integer;
   data : inout integer
end mp;

architecture mp of mp is
 process(instr, addr)
  type regtype is array(0 to 255) of integer;
  variable a, b : integer;
  variable reg : regtype;
  case instr is --select instr to execute
   when lda =>
    a := data; --load a accumulator
   when ldb =>
    b := data; --load b accumulator
   when add =>
    a := a + b;
   when sub =>
    a := a - b;
   when sta =>
    reg(addr) := a; --put a accum into reg array
   when stb =>
    reg(addr) := b; -- put b accum in to reg array
   when outa =>
    data <= a; --output a accum
   when xfr => --transfer b to a
    a := b;
  end case;
 end process;

end mp;


