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求助:sopc builder 存储器组件的使用


.text : 代码区 .rodata:只读数据区,一般存放静态全局变量 .rwdata:可读写变量数据区另外还有.bss:存放未被初始化的变量。

■ .text — the actual executable code
■ .rodata — any read only data used in the execution of the code
■ .rwdata — where read/write variables and pointers are stored
■ heap — where dynamically allocated memory is located
■ stack — where function call parameters and other temporary data is stored


如果要在程序中访问存储器,可以用IORD(BASE, REGNUM) 等语句,具体读写由驱动完成。对用户是透明的。


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